Working for the Well-Being of St. Louis Seniors
At A Caring Plus Incorporated, our goal is to strengthen communities by enhancing the quality of life for senior residents. Our programs focus on:
A Caring Plus Incorporated, a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity, promotes services that enhance the quality of life for seniors. Through programs that focus on the overall health and wellness of seniors in North St. Louis County, and surrounding North St. Louis City communities, the organization assists senior populations and helps them access service providers in a convenient, one-stop location. Our continuum of affordable services spans from independent-living services to long-term-care services and supports not only seniors, but also their caregivers.
Our vision is a community of vibrant senior residents and affordable family housing, within the North St. Louis County/City Communities, where seniors enjoy their golden years.
Who We Are
About Us
Effective November 18, 2019, A Caring Plus Foundation (ACPF) name was officially changed to A Caring Plus Incorporated (ACPI). A Caring Plus Incorporated (ACPI) promotes services that enhance the quality of life for seniors. Through programs that focus on the overall health and wellness of seniors in Jennings, Missouri, and surrounding communities, A Caring Plus Inc. assists underserved populations and helps them access service providers in a convenient, one-stop location.
A Caring Plus Incorporated is a community-based provider steeped in spirituality and staffed with caring professionals dedicated to the comfort of its clients.
Overview of A Caring Plus Incorporated
Lewis L. McKinney, Jr. is the founder of A Caring Plus Inc. Mr. McKinney retired from corporate America in 2010 after 28 years. His career in corporate America was one of continual growth and new challenges. He retired as a Regional Vice President of Government Affairs. Mr. McKinney graduated from St. Louis University in l981 and played college and professional basketball. He also had the privilege to travel abroad and study French at the University of Saint-Etienne in St. Etienne, France.
Mr. McKinney’s concern for the care for seniors grew out of the challenges he saw for his grandmother, mother and father had trying to receive a respectable level of senior care in the St. Louis North City/County community.
This concern grew into a passion that propelled him to want to do something to make a difference in the lives of seniors and the disabled. Mr. McKinney has experienced and knows many retired and disabled seniors in underserved communities do not sometimes have the necessary resources to prepare and plan for the senior season in their lives, and this lack of resources has caused many seniors to remain in homes not designed to accommodate the wheelchair, walker and other assisted devices they need to maintain some form of independence.
A Caring Plus Inc. was born out of an appreciation and concern for seniors and a desire to help address issues associated with aging. Mr. McKinney’s vision was to create a campus that includes senior housing and provide a continuum of excellent care services for seniors. A Caring Plus Inc. provides health and wellness services to aging adults who need daily, temporary or long-term care. By nurturing and engaging seniors to actively live their lives, A Caring Plus Inc. is providing solutions for a growing, aging population and their families. A Caring Plus Incorporated work is to support underserved populations and play a critical role in providing services that allows seniors to age with dignity.
Real Solutions for Current Needs

A Continuum of Affordable Services
Housed on a safe and secure campus, A Caring Plus Incorporated helps seniors and their families address issues associated with aging. Through a continuum of affordable services, clients can enjoy amenities such as assisted living opportunities and long-term care options.
Support for Caregivers
To support caregivers we will arrange for free or low cost professional counseling to help families when faced with possible nursing home placement and need for special services (physical therapy, meals on wheels, mental health or grief counseling ) that will enhance the senior’s quality of life.
Contact us
“We’re here for the community. We look forward to you becoming part of our extended family as you participate in one of our programs.”
Darren Smith
Support Staff
“Quality Living. A Caring Plus Inc's facilities are full of comfortable living quarters, multiple lounges and activities areas. It’s your home away from home.”
Helen Worth
“You’re welcome here. As we say, “Now You’re Home” Come by for a visit and you’ll find out why we should be your choice provider for adult care.”
Jessica Taylor